Length: 01:37
Read more: Why Respond when Served?

It is very important to speak with one of our experienced Divorce Attorneys when you are served with Divorce papers. There are Divorces with issues and Divorces without issues. A Divorce with issues may include the following:

  • children (custody, visitation & support)
  • property (division of property)
  • debt (division of debt)
  • support (spousal support or child support)

These are issues that need to be resolved. They can be resolved by agreement or by going to court. If you are served with a Divorce ‘with issues’ then you require legal advice. You may want an agreement (Marital Settlement Agreement or a Stipulation) which would avoid a court appearance. You may also need a Response–your Attorney will advise. If your spouse does not wish to agree on issues, then a Response would be needed to protect your legal rights.

A Divorce without issues means that there are:

  • no children
  • no property
  • no debt
  • short marriage/ no support

A ‘Divorce without issues’ does not usually require a Response. It can go through the court as a ‘default’ Divorce meaning that it is without a Response. Your Attorney can advise you as to whether it would be in your best interest to respond or not.

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