Length: 01:43
Read more: L.A.W. vs a Document Service
L.A.W. (Legal Action Workshop) is very different from a document service. Here are some of the reasons:1. we are a Law Firm
2. we give you legal advice and oversight
3. we take care of the paperwork AND the process
4. we can make court appearances and help with other issues as necessary
2. we give you legal advice and oversight
3. we take care of the paperwork AND the process
4. we can make court appearances and help with other issues as necessary
We do all this for LOW FLAT FEES!
When you are considering a Divorce and want to know your best options, give us a call. We will explain how our service works and make a time for you to speak with one of our Attorneys either by phone or in person.
I need filing in San Bernardino Superior Court
#1 stop wage garnishment. Judge ordered it was only total $21’000.00
#2 set a end this equally for equality of life contract
#3 Stage case solving for equal retirement results
#4 set each meeting for minimal , affordable cost
#5 final contract, I wish to have statements of honey about original goals I set for the whole family before first court date.
#5a – and decision to continue counseling for the good of family during court ordered mediation and reasons made to stop attending family counseling
From Rudolph W Collins
562 787 0147 Mon – Fri (4pm – 7pm)
Is this for a divorce? Do you have a child support order from Child Support Services or the family court? It’s difficult to answer your questions without speaking to you. In addition, we would need your case number. Please call us @ 818-630-5503 to discuss. We are available 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Friday.
Thank-you for contacting Legal Action Workshop!