Most people want to save money on their divorce. In California, there are ways to do this. California is very supportive of those who wish to file their divorce ‘in pro per’ or without legal representation. Although litigants can save money handling their case without a lawyer, they can also waste money and time doing so.
Get the Legal Advice that you need:
In order to save money and not waste time, anyone who wishes to file for divorce should first seek legal advice from an experienced divorce lawyer. Legal advice is extremely important as it explains the court process and sets up reasonable expectations.
Try to be Cooperative with spouse:
Once the litigant gets sound legal advice, it’s best to try to speak with the spouse to see if he/she will be cooperative. A cooperative spouse is the Number 1 way to an affordable divorce. Most parties in a divorce with no issues (no support, property or children) are agreeable. However, if there are issues that need to be resolved the parties would need to agree on all of them. When an agreement is prepared, signed and filed with the court, a court appearance is usually not necessary. This is the least costly way to finalize a divorce.
Don’t waste your money on very cheap alternatives:
Don’t be fooled by document services that advertise very low fees for divorce. Even if the paperwork is correct, these companies do not help with the process i.e. the filing, serving and completion of the papers in the court. The processing of the paperwork is often the part that is most time-consuming and difficult.
A flat fee divorce attorney is usually the best way to go. With a flat fee attorney you get an affordable divorce with legal oversight. The attorney can also prepare legally sound agreements and make sure that all documents are filed with the court correctly.
Don’t waste time and money! Call Legal Action Workshop @ 1-800-HELP-444 for an affordable flat fee divorce!
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