Spousal Support, also called Alimony, is a specified amount of money given to a spouse at certain intervals, usually monthly, over a period of time, as part of a Divorce. A Spousal Support award is based on a number of factors, some of which are:
- an evaluation of each spouse’s income
- the length of the marriage
- educational and health factors
- need
There may be other factors as well. A California Family Law Lawyer or can give you an idea of what would be a reasonable Spousal Support award in your particular case.
California courts consider that a marriage that is over 10 years, from the date of marriage through the date of separation, is a lengthy marriage. This means that the support order, if warranted, would continue until the death of either party, remarriage of the party seeking the support or further order of the court. If the marriage is under 10 years, the court has the option of terminating the issue of support based on the factors submitted at trial.
Either party of the marriage could be ordered to pay Spousal Support. Due to the fact that more and more women are entering the workforce and often earn more than their husbands, many women are now being asked to pay spousal support.
An order for Spousal Support can be part of a Marital Settlement Agreement, a Stipulation or it can be court ordered after a trial. A California Family Law Attorney can prepare the agreement, stipulation or request Spousal Support in the trial. The party may voluntarily pay the spousal support as per the agreement, stipulation or order of the court, or it could be wage assigned. Once the award is final, either party can request a change to the order by filing an Order to Show Cause. A change may be warranted if there is a change in circumstance such as a change in wages earned or a loss of employment etc.
For more information on Spousal Support, call Legal Action Workshop @ 800-HELP-444 (800-435-7444) or visit us at www.LegalActionWorkshopLAW.com .
My husband just walked out on me . What can I do
Do you know where he lives or works since he left? It’s best if you can speak with him by phone or text so that you can understand what he is thinking. If you have children, you could file for child support. You may also be able to file for spousal support or divorce etc. You may have other issues. Feel free to give us a call to discuss further @ 818-630-5503.
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