It is very important to understand what document services say and what they do not say. A very well advertised document service offers it’s uncontested divorce for $299. Here’s what they tell you:
- you will get legal documents prepared;
- a marital settlement agreement is included
- the filing fee is usually $435
Here’s what they don’t tell you:
- You must file the divorce documents yourself (send them into court or go to court yourself); this is time consuming
- You must serve your spouse and file it with the courts; they recommend that you serve by using a Process Server & that’s an extra fee of about $75; this is time consuming and costly
- They then recommend that your spouse responds–that’s an extra filing fee of $435; this extra fee is unnecessary in an uncontested divorce prepared by Legal Action Workshop
- You must submit the final paperwork to the courts yourself; this is complicated and time consuming
- You do not have any assurity that the paperwork will be approved by the courts and that the divorce will be finalized; they do not guarantee success
The total fees spent to do a divorce with the document service is $1,164 if a process server is used.
California based Legal Action Workshop advertises it’s uncontested divorce with property and/or children for $1399 (includes a Marital Settlement Agreement). Here’s what they tell you:
- Legal Action Workshop prepares the legal documents and files with the court; you pay the filing fee of $435; saves you time since you do not need to file the paperwork & because there is attorney involvement, you will know that the paperwork is done correctly
- Legal Action Workshop serves spouse by mail and files proof of service with the court; no need for a process server in an uncontested divorce, saving you time & money
- Attorney prepares the Marital Settlement Agreement; attorney involvement assures that the agreement covers all the issues in the divorce
- Legal Action Workshop submits final documents to court; saving you time since you do not need to follow the complicated instructions for submitting the final divorce documents
- Legal Action Workshop gives you assurity that the divorce is prepared accurately and that it will be finalized
Legal Action Workshop tells you everything–no surprises!
The total fee for a Legal Action Workshop uncontested divorce is slightly more than the document service! This California divorce includes attorney advice and oversight throughout the process. Filing, serving by mail and submitting final documents to court is completed by the law firm, saving you valuable time. The Marital Settlement Agreement is prepared by a Divorce Attorney so that it is legally correct. Finally, you are assured that your Divorce will be finalized in a legally correct way.
Most people just don’t realize how little they save with a document service and how time consuming their process is. Sending paperwork into the court is not easy–you need to follow a complicated list of instructions. Courts can reject the paperwork at any time. More importantly, with a document service, you never know if the paperwork is done correctly because you do not have an attorney advising you of your legal rights and overseeing the entire process. Successful divorce completion is NOT guaranteed by a document service.
For more information on a legally correct uncontested divorce for a LOW FLAT FEE, call Legal Action Workshop @ 800-HELP-444 (800-435-7444) or visit .
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