Length: 01:50
Read more: Full Representation in a California Divorce
The term ‘Full Representation’ as it pertains to a California Divorce means that the Attorney is the ‘Attorney of Record’ for the case. In this regard the Attorney will typically charge a retainer and hourly rates for time spent on the case, in the court or in conversation with the client.’Full Representation’ is not the only way that Attorneys can help with Divorce. There are some Attorneys who offer ‘unbundled’ legal services or ‘limited scope’ services which allow the Attorneys to offer flat fees. In this case the Attorney would not be the ‘Attorney of Record’.
Legal Action Workshop offers LOW FLAT FEES for the preparation and processing of Divorce paperwork. Further, Legal Action Workshop can also provide lawyers in court as needed. Now you can have the ‘best of both worlds’–low flat fees AND the Attorney advice and oversight you need to take your Divorce through the courts.
Not sure where I stand, options, or if I can change anything in a case that in the first court scheduled because I filled I had no chance to speak was told I will have my turn in a different court date, that never happened was given court order with other custody comments per Judge THIS IS THE FINAL DECISION. Oldest child is in developing crisis per school meeting has missed 25% of the classes from a 1 being very below average in his studies and a 4 being advanced above average. He is marked a 2 in all subjects. Suspended 3 times last 3 months.
There are 2 factors in divorce–one is the paperwork that is filed and the other is responding appropriately to what was filed. I’m not sure what happened in your case but if there is a change in circumstance you can always go back to court on a Request for Order to change an existing order. Most of the time you lose because you did not respond correctly or you did not prove that the child would do better with you as the custodial parent. How old is the child that is having trouble in school? Would the child prefer to live with you?
If you wish to discuss, you may call us @ 818-630-5503