All legal matters, including divorce, will be affected by the coronavirus–some more than others. As of March 23, 2020, the California courts have decided to restrict entry to only authorized personnel. This will last until June 22, 2020. Jury trials (criminal and civil) will be delayed for 60 days as will criminal and civil cases. Bail review will be prioritized.
The courts have also lowered the amount of non-legal personnel. In accordance with this, the self-help section will be closed until further notice. At this time, the courts are busy disinfecting all surfaces. They are also putting in place guidelines for social distancing once the courts reopen to the public.
Although the delay in court services can be frustrating, it should not deter you from taking action. Uncontested divorces will proceed through the courts in the same manner as before the coronavirus. There is a good chance that the time period for an uncontested divorce remains around 6 months (from the date of service). However, contested divorces will, more than likely, take much longer. In addition, divorces that require temporary orders for custody, support etc will also take longer. In effect, any legal matter that requires a court appearance will be prolonged.
Legal Action Workshop is open as a virtual law firm. Accordingly, we will help by phone and email. Our areas of expertise are divorce & family law, name change, estate planning & probate. When you want to get answers to your questions, call us @ 1-800-HELP-444.
The courts in England and Wales are still operating with limited staff and hearings are being done via zoom or Skype. Things are going to change even with this Covid19 outbreak is over
Nice to hear from England & Wales…yes, this pandemic affects us all and will change the way the law is implemented.
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