The Healthcare Issue in a Divorce with Children

Healthcare is an issue in a Divorce with children.  By providing health insurance for children, families can avoid potential catastrophic healthcare costs. Approximately two-thirds of bankruptcies involve healthcare associated debt. In addition, the effect of Divorce on children can be minimized … Read more about The Healthcare Issue in a Divorce with Children

Easy California Divorce

Although Divorce is never easy, it can be made easier if you understand how a California Divorce works.  Basically, there are 3 types of Divorces: Default Divorces (the respondent does not respond); there are 2 types: defaults with issues or defaults without issues Uncontested Divorces (the … Read more about Easy California Divorce

A California Divorce with Property

If the partners in a California Divorce have acquired property during the marriage and before their separation date, then the property is usually subject to the community property laws in the state. The term 'property' means: physical property such as a house or condominium retirement plans … Read more about A California Divorce with Property

When You Are Served with a California Divorce, Don’t Run!

Some people try to avoid being served with a California Divorce.  The 'respondent' (the person being served with Divorce papers) may hide in his/ her residence and not answer the door or he/she may pretend to not be the person that he/she is.  These evasion attempts are futile and frankly … Read more about When You Are Served with a California Divorce, Don’t Run!

The Goal of a California Divorce is the Judgment

Many people forget that filing a Divorce in California is only the first step.  The next step is to serve and then to wait the necessary 30 days and then do whatever is necessary to complete the Divorce.  The Divorce is not finalized until the parties receive the stamped judgment from the court with … Read more about The Goal of a California Divorce is the Judgment

How Important is Service in a California Divorce?

Simply put, service is extremely important in a California Divorce!  If service is done incorrectly, the courts will reject it.  Remember, a Divorce in California takes a minimum of 6 months and 1 day from the date of service.  If service is not done correctly, the time period for the Divorce does … Read more about How Important is Service in a California Divorce?

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