Property and Debt are addressed differently in each state. In California we have community property laws as well as laws regarding debt acquired during the marriage, both of which impact Divorce. There are 3 types of properties that are determined by the courts in a divorce or legal separation … Read more about How to Address Property and Debt Division?
How to Get Spousal Support?
Spousal Support, also called Alimony, is a specified amount of money given to a spouse at certain intervals, usually monthly, over a period of time, as part of a Divorce. A Spousal Support award is based on a number of factors, some of which are: an evaluation of each spouse’s income the … Read more about How to Get Spousal Support?
How to Get Child Custody?
In California, there are 2 types of child custody, legal and physical custody. Legal custody allows both parties to be involved in major decisions such as those involving healthcare, education and religion. In addition, legal custody allows the parties to have access to medical and school records. … Read more about How to Get Child Custody?
How to Divorce?
Once you have made the decision to divorce, your first step is to get sound legal advice. A consultation with the attorney will help you to understand your legal rights and legal options. You may have questions like ‘how do I get my spouse out of my house?’, or ‘how do I get spousal support or child … Read more about How to Divorce?
What is Domestic Abuse and What can be Done about It?
Domestic Abuse is abuse that occurs between a married couple or between a parent or parents and children. Domestic abuse can also take place between those who are cohabiting or who have cohabited. This means that if you have, or had, a girl friend or boy friend that is harassing you, the harassment … Read more about What is Domestic Abuse and What can be Done about It?
When to Get a Divorce?
There is no easy answer to this question. Most people want to divorce when they feel that they no longer get along. This may occur when one spouse leaves the home, when adultery occurs, when there are constant arguments or when the couples no longer have a sexual relationship. When problems occur, … Read more about When to Get a Divorce?
7 Mistakes that People make on their Divorce Papers:
Here is a list of some of the common mistakes that people make when completing their divorce paperwork: 1.) People may not be consistent with their name. They may spell it one way on the intial paperwork and another way on subsequent documents. They may add an initial or a middle name. This … Read more about 7 Mistakes that People make on their Divorce Papers:
5 Reasons Why You Should See an Attorney for Your Divorce:
An experienced Attorney can help you in the following areas: 1.) give you legal advice so that you know your legal options and what is reasonable in your case. 2.) guarantee that your divorce will be finalized if your spouse does not respond. If your spouse does respond the attorney can follow … Read more about 5 Reasons Why You Should See an Attorney for Your Divorce: