Your California Divorce is easiest if:

  1. Your spouse is cooperative
  2. You do not have children, property or support issues
  3. You have a short marriage

Most courts do not require a court appearance when the parties are cooperative and there are no issues.  The filing fee to the court still applies and can be waived based on income.  It still takes a minimum of 6 months & 1 day for the Divorce to be finalized by the court.  The Legal Action Workshop flat fee for this type of Divorce is $625.

Your California Divorce is easier if:

  1. Your spouse is cooperative 
  2. You & your spouse are in agreement over all issues such as custody and support of children, spousal support, division of assets and debts and any other issues that you may have
  3. Your marriage could be any length of time

It is very important to get legal advice from one of our experienced Divorce Lawyers so that you understand your issues & options.  Further, one of our Attorneys can prepare an agreement that is legally sound and will be approved by the court.  The agreement will avoid a court appearance in most instances.  This Divorce requires a filing fee which may be waived based on income.  The time frame to finalize the Divorce is a minimum of 6 months and 1 day from the date of service.  The Legal Action Workshop flat fee for this type of Divorce is $849 plus a fee for the agreement.

Your California Divorce is more difficult if:

  1. Your spouse is not cooperative
  2. You are not in agreement over issues such as child custody, division of assets and debts & support
  3. Could be difficult no matter how long you have been married

When your spouse is not cooperative, your Divorce could require hearings, trial and other legal processes.  This type of Divorce is more costly and time-consuming as well as more stressful.  Our flat fee model can save you a great deal of money in a contested Divorce.

Legal Action Workshop can help with all Divorce situations whether the parties are cooperative or not.  We use our low flat fee model for both contested & uncontested Divorces.  For more information, please call Legal Action Workshop @ 800-HELP-444 (800-435-7444) or visit our website .



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