California document services tell you that they can complete your divorce quickly and easilyas easy as 1, 2, 3.  But is this true?  Here’s what they don’t tell you:

  1. They do not offer legal advice for your particular situation so you will not be sure if the paperwork is correct, if it protects your rights and if it presents the issues correctly to the court.
  2. They do not explain that you will have to file your divorce, serve your spouse  and complete other procedural steps which are complex and time consuming.
  3. They do not detail the fees involved in filing, serving and responding—they only advertise the one low fee that they charge.
  4. They usually have the respondent file a response which creates a contest, even when the couple is in agreement and NOT contesting the issues of the Divorce.  There is an extra filing fee to respond, but they don’t tell you this.
  5. They don’t tell you that the court can reject the paperwork at any time for a number of reasons which would delay your divorce and may result in a loss of rights.
  6. They don’t tell you that if your spouse does not respond and does not sign a Marital Settlement Agreement, the divorce can still proceed—this happens to many spouses and the divorce can still be finalized by default.

In effect, document services mislead the public into thinking that a divorce is easy and can be finalized without legal advice and oversight.  A divorce with no issues i.e. short marriage, no children, no property is still complicated due to the procedures that have to be completed and approved by the court. However, most people who divorce have issues—they may have a long marriage (or one in which spousal support is a factor) or have children, property, retirement plans or debt all of which would need to be addressed in the divorce.  These divorces are difficult and couples need to be informed as to their legal rights and their options.  Document services are not obligated to support their claims and there is no body to oversee them.

With this in mind it is puzzling as to why people go to document services for their divorce matters.  Most people do not realize the alternatives.  The Legal Action Workshop Law Firm has been helping people with Low Flat Fee Divorces for over 30 years.  At Legal Action Workshop you get legal advice, oversight, preparation of the documents as well as the filing , serving and other procedural steps all for a low flat fee!

For more information on California Divorces, call 800-HELP-444 (800-435-7444) or visit .


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